Open Daily:
9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Current Time:
2:48 AM
727 W Main Street
Louisville, KY 40202
(502) 561-6100
[email protected]
Open Daily:
9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Current Time:
2:48 AM
727 W Main Street
Louisville, KY 40202
(502) 561-6100
[email protected]
Kentucky Science Center is open 7 days a week from 9:30AM-5PM. Tickets can be purchased online.
Science Travels to You

Digital Learning

Science Travels to You

Digital Learning

Kentucky Science Center is making it easy to bring high-quality science lessons to your students. Our recorded programs give you the ultimate flexibility to use our content at your desired pace, while our live programs provide the opportunity for students to interact with our staff, ask questions, and follow along with hands-on science activities. Kentucky Science Center is prepared to join with you and your students for an interactive, digital STEAM experience!

All programs meet multiple academic standards from KAS and NGSS, plus they are compatible with multiple platforms, including Google Meet, Google Classroom, Zoom, Teams, and more. Students can connect individually from home, or all together in a classroom.

Apply for free NASA KY curriculum

Recorded Programs   

Grades K-8: $150 per module, or customize a bundle to save!

Recorded programs are packaged as a module featuring interactive video, curriculum enhancements, supplemental videos and even with STEM professional interviews. These modules are focused on grades K-3, 4-5 and 6-8 targeting specific NGSS standards. Themes include energy and electricity, transforming different states of matter, animal habitats and human impacts and earth systems such as weathering and erosion. Lesson modules include:

  • Video recordings feature Kentucky Science Center educators explaining and exploring topics aligned with NGSS, using engaging science demonstrations and unique challenges for students.
  • Each theme consists of a video that can be divided into three lessons, allowing it to be assigned in flexible multi-day or multi-week options.
  • Lesson extensions include additional assignments that can be done in-class or as homework.
  • Career connections including a video interview with a STEM professional working in the field.
  • Parent/caregiver extension resources.

View trailer


Live Programs

Grades K-12: starting at $250

Live programs virtually explore a variety of hallmark experiences from our Assembly Programs, Field Trips, Challenger Learning Center and after school series through hands-on experiments. Each program allows students to experience a LIVE unique science moment led by our Kentucky Science Center educators. Whether students are viewing demonstrations or following along with hands-on activities, they’re sure to be engaged the entire time.

Our live programs are designed for maximum flexibility: great for a class period, after-school session, or to engage families in a Science Night! A complimentary technology check is provided prior to all live programs.

Standard Live Programs: $250
  • Live interaction with a Kentucky Science Center Educator presenting engaging science content and answering student questions.
  • Available in multi-week or monthly series
Premium Live Programs: $350
  • Live interaction with a Kentucky Science Center Educator presenting engaging science content and answering student questions.
  • Instructions and supply lists for students to follow along with hands-on activities (supply purchase is optional)
  • High-quality videos of our most popular demonstrations


Pulse of Surgery

Grades 6-12: $500

Get an insider’s view of the operating room by viewing a real-time heart surgery streamed to your location from U of L Health-Jewish Hospital. Pulse of Surgery is a one-of-a-kind experience that gives participants an up-close and personal view of the scope of careers in medicine, healthy living, and human physiology.

Pulse of Surgery is a live, real-time surgery. There are occasions when a live surgery cannot be scheduled for broadcast dates. In that unusual event, Kentucky Science Center will facilitate an alternative Pulse of Surgery program. Pulse of Surgery programs run from 9:00AM -12:00PM EST on each of the following dates:

2022/23 Dates:

      • October 19th and 26th, 2022
      • November 9th and 16th
      • December 7th and 14th
      • January 11th and 25th, 2023
      • February 1st, 15th, and 22nd
      • March 8th, 15th, and 22nd
      • April 19th and 26th
      • May 3rd and 10th

Recorded Pulse of Surgery programs are available for any date and start at $300. For additional information, contact Ginny Hoyt at [email protected].

Book Now
Grades K-12 | No participant limit | 45-60 mins
  • Recorded Science Modules
    $150 per modular bundle
  • Standard Live Programs
    $250 per program
  • Premium Live Programs
    $350 per program
    (plus optional supplies)

Digital Learning: Recorded Programs

Organisms and Ecosystems

How do humans impact the ecosystems around us? Learn how we sustain life by recreating the incredible systems that make up our amazing planet.

  • K-3rd: Can you build the perfect park? Investigate various ecosystems and we as how humans impact them. Design a park that features the best of nature and human innovation.
  • 4th-5th: Could you build a sustainable biodome? Learn how scientists sustain life in manmade ecosystems by replicating the incredible systems that make up our amazing planet.
  • 6th-8th: Biodiversity is the spice of life science! Investigate the survival adaptations of organisms including traits and reproduction to discover the biodiversity surrounding us right now.


  • • The virtual content KSC creates and provides to connecting sites are the intellectual property of KSC. Therefore, they cannot be recorded in any way or distributed, nor can any content or information packets be duplicated or distributed without the written consent of KSC. The only exception is the copying of student pages from teacher guide for the use of the class that purchased the program. Any known violation of this policy will be considered theft of intellectual property and will be dealt with accordingly.

Technical requirements

  • Each student has a computer or tablet connected to the internet.
  • If you are teaching from a school, you can connect a computer or smart tablet to a data projector, interactive whiteboard or TV.
  • We provide you a private link to the video and a science center staff member will work with you to organize viewing capabilities.


Kentucky Academic Standards:

KECS Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade
ELA 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.5, 4.2 W.K.2, SL.K.5 W.1.8 W.2.7 RI.3.3 W.4.1 RI.5.7
Science 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 K-SL1-1, K-ESS2-2, K-ESS3-1, K-ESS3-3 1-LS1-1 2-LS2-2, K-2-ETS1-1 3-LS4-3, 3-LS4-4 4-LS1-1 5-LS2-1, 3-5-ETS1-2
Math K.MD.A.2 MP.5 MP.4, MP.5 MP.4 4.G.A.3 MP.2, MP.5
Social Studies 1.2, 1.6 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19
Health and PE 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4

Energy In Motion

Explore the many ways we make things go with many different energy sources and how we use the electromagnetic spectrum in our everyday lives.

  • K-3rd/4th-5th: Can you create electricity out of thin air? Discover different types of energy and explore renewable and non-renewable resources.
  • 6th-8th: Explore the electromagnetic spectrum! Uncover how we measure waves and use different parts of the spectrum in our everyday lives.


  • The virtual content KSC creates and provides to connecting sites are the intellectual property of KSC. Therefore, they cannot be recorded in any way or distributed, nor can any content or information packets be duplicated or distributed without the written consent of KSC. The only exception is the copying of student pages from teacher guide for the use of the class that purchased the program. Any known violation of this policy will be considered theft of intellectual property and will be dealt with accordingly.

Technical requirements

  • Each student has a computer or tablet connected to the internet.
  • If you are teaching from a school, you can connect a computer or smart tablet to a data projector, interactive whiteboard or TV.
  • We provide you a private link to the video and a science center staff member will work with you to organize viewing capabilities.

Kentucky Academic Standards:

KECS Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade
ELA 1.2, 2.1 SL.K.5 SL.2.5 W.2.8 RI.3.3 W.4.7, W.4.8 RI.5.7, W.5.8
Science 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 K-PS2-2 K-2-ETS1-2 K-2-ETS1-1 3-PS2-4 4-PS3-4, 4-ESS3-1 3-5-ETS1-2
Math 2.MD.D.10 MP.5 MP.2, MP.4 MP.2, MP.5
Social Studies 2.18, 2.19 2.18, 2.19 2.18, 2.19 2.18, 2.19 2.18, 2.19 2.18, 2.19

Our Dynamic Earth

Explore our planet's amazing abilities and how weather patterns literally help shape our world.

  • K-3rd: How did the Grand Canyon form? Explore our planet’s amazing abilities and how weather patterns literally help shape our world.
  • 4th-5th/6th-8th: How far in advance can you accurately predict the weather? Check out the incredible science behind meteorology and discover how different weather patterns form and interact.


  • The virtual content KSC creates and provides to connecting sites are the intellectual property of KSC. Therefore, they cannot be recorded in any way or distributed, nor can any content or information packets be duplicated or distributed without the written consent of KSC. The only exception is the copying of student pages from teacher guide for the use of the class that purchased the program. Any known violation of this policy will be considered theft of intellectual property and will be dealt with accordingly.

Technical requirements

  • Each student has a computer or tablet connected to the internet.
  • If you are teaching from a school, you can connect a computer or smart tablet to a data projector, interactive whiteboard or TV.
  • We provide you a private link to the video and a science center staff member will work with you to organize viewing capabilities.

Kentucky Academic Standards:

Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade
ELA SL.K.3 W.2.8 RI.2.3 W.3.7 W.4.7 SL.5.5
Science K-ESS2-1, K-ESS3-2 K-2-ETS1-1 2-ESS2-1 3-ESS3-1 4-ESS2-1, 4-ESS3-2 5-ESS2-1
Math MP.4 MP.2 MP.2 MP.4 MP.2, MP.4

Transformation of Matter

Start learning with chemistry. Explore the different states of matter and how they interact or the periodic table and how we find new elements.

  • K-3rd/4th-5th: Can something be a solid, liquid, and gas at the same time? Experiment with different types of material to see how they interact.
  • 6th-8th: Investigate the Periodic Table! How are new elements discovered? How do we experiment with the known elements? Discover chemistry in the world around you.


  • The virtual content KSC creates and provides to connecting sites are the intellectual property of KSC. Therefore, they cannot be recorded in any way or distributed, nor can any content or information packets be duplicated or distributed without the written consent of KSC. The only exception is the copying of student pages from teacher guide for the use of the class that purchased the program. Any known violation of this policy will be considered theft of intellectual property and will be dealt with accordingly.

Technical requirements

  • Each student has a computer or tablet connected to the internet.
  • If you are teaching from a school, you can connect a computer or smart tablet to a data projector, interactive whiteboard or TV.
  • We provide you a private link to the video and a science center staff member will work with you to organize viewing capabilities.

Kentucky Academic Standards:

Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade
ELA W.2.6 W.2.6 W.2.7 W.5.8 W.5.8 W.5.8
Science K-2-ETS1-1 K-2-ETS1-1 2-PS1-1 3-5-ETS1-3 3-5-ETS1-3 5-PS1-4
Math MP.4 MP.2 MP.2 MP.2
Social Studies 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18

Our Universe

Explore our solar system and the challenges of adapting to life in space.

  • K-3rd/4th-5th: How would you survive in space? Explore how astronauts train to board the International Space Station, and learn how humans adapt to stay in shape in a microgravity environment.
  • 4th-5th/6th-8th: Our goal: Mars! How will we get there? Explore Newton’s laws of motion and discover how we use these principals to get to space. Learn about what makes the red planet our next space destination.


  • The virtual content KSC creates and provides to connecting sites are the intellectual property of KSC. Therefore, they cannot be recorded in any way or distributed, nor can any content or information packets be duplicated or distributed without the written consent of KSC. The only exception is the copying of student pages from teacher guide for the use of the class that purchased the program. Any known violation of this policy will be considered theft of intellectual property and will be dealt with accordingly.

Technical requirements

  • Each student has a computer or tablet connected to the internet.
  • If you are teaching from a school, you can connect a computer or smart tablet to a data projector, interactive whiteboard or TV.
  • We provide you a private link to the video and a science center staff member will work with you to organize viewing capabilities.

Digital Learning: Live Programs



Discover how animals have adapted to survive in different environments, as well as how both humans and animals impact their surroundings.

Discover how animals have adapted to survive in different environments, as well as how both humans and animals impact their surroundings.


The virtual content KSC creates and provides to connecting sites are the intellectual property of KSC. Therefore, they cannot be recorded in any way or distributed, nor can any content or information packets be duplicated or distributed without the written consent of KSC. The only exception is the copying of student pages from teacher guide for the use of the class that purchased the program. Any known violation of this policy will be considered theft of intellectual property and will be dealt with accordingly.

Technical requirements

  • Each student has a computer or tablet connected to the internet.
  • If you are teaching from a school, you can connect a computer or smart tablet to a data projector, interactive whiteboard or TV.
  • We provide you a private link to the video and a science center staff member will work with you to organize viewing capabilities.

If you connect with us via Zoom

  • Full system requirements for Zoom here.
  • Each student should test their Zoom connection here.
  • Once the date & time is arranged we will send you simple connection instructions (one click & you’re in!)
  • We can handle up to 30 separate computers connected at once if needed.

Kentucky Academic Standards

KECS Kindergarten 1st grade 2nd grade 3rd grade 4th grade 5th grade
ELA 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.5, 4.2  W.K.2, SL.K.5  W.1.8  W.2.7  RI.3.3  W.4.1  RI.5.7 
Science 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5  K-SL1-1, K-ESS2-2, K-ESS3-1, K-ESS3-3  1-LS1-1  2-LS2-2, K-2-ETS1-1  3-LS4-3, 3-LS4-4  4-LS1-1  5-LS2-1, 3-5-ETS1-2 
Math K.MD.A.2  MP.5  MP.4, MP.5  MP.4  4.G.A.3  MP.2, MP.5 
Social Studies 1.2, 1.6  2.19  2.19  2.19  2.19  2.19  2.19 
Health and PE 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 


Investigate the different components that combine to create our weather.

Investigate the different components that combine to create our weather.


The virtual content KSC creates and provides to connecting sites are the intellectual property of KSC. Therefore, they cannot be recorded in any way or distributed, nor can any content or information packets be duplicated or distributed without the written consent of KSC. The only exception is the copying of student pages from teacher guide for the use of the class that purchased the program. Any known violation of this policy will be considered theft of intellectual property and will be dealt with accordingly.

Technical requirements

  • Each student has a computer or tablet connected to the internet.
  • If you are teaching from a school, you can connect a computer or smart tablet to a data projector, interactive whiteboard or TV.
  • We provide you a private link to the video and a science center staff member will work with you to organize viewing capabilities.

If you connect with us via Zoom

  • Full system requirements for Zoom here.
  • Each student should test their Zoom connection here.
  • Once the date & time is arranged we will send you simple connection instructions (one click & you’re in!)
  • We can handle up to 30 separate computers connected at once if needed.

Kentucky Academic Standards

Kindergarten 1st grade 2nd grade 3rd grade 4th grade 5th grade
ELA SL.K.3  W.2.8 RI.2.3 W.3.7  W.4.7  SL.5.5 
Science K-ESS2-1, K-ESS3-2  K-2-ETS1-1  2-ESS2-1  3-ESS3-1  4-ESS2-1, 4-ESS3-2  5-ESS2-1 
Math MP.4  MP.2  MP.2  MP.4  MP.2, MP.4 


Discover the world of atoms and molecules and explore how they behave under different conditions.

Discover the world of atoms and molecules and explore how they behave under different conditions.


The virtual content KSC creates and provides to connecting sites are the intellectual property of KSC. Therefore, they cannot be recorded in any way or distributed, nor can any content or information packets be duplicated or distributed without the written consent of KSC. The only exception is the copying of student pages from teacher guide for the use of the class that purchased the program. Any known violation of this policy will be considered theft of intellectual property and will be dealt with accordingly.

Technical requirements

  • Each student has a computer or tablet connected to the internet.
  • If you are teaching from a school, you can connect a computer or smart tablet to a data projector, interactive whiteboard or TV.
  • We provide you a private link to the video and a science center staff member will work with you to organize viewing capabilities.

If you connect with us via Zoom

  • Full system requirements for Zoom here.
  • Each student should test their Zoom connection here.
  • Once the date & time is arranged we will send you simple connection instructions (one click & you’re in!)
  • We can handle up to 30 separate computers connected at once if needed.

Kentucky Academic Standards

Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade
ELA W.2.6  W.2.6  W.2.7  W.5.8  W.5.8  W.5.8 
Science K-2-ETS1-1  K-2-ETS1-1  2-PS1-1  3-5-ETS1-3  3-5-ETS1-3  5-PS1-4 
Math MP.4 MP.2 MP.2 MP.2
Social Studies 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18


Explore the different ways electricity can be generated and the transformations of energy along the way.

Explore the different ways electricity can be generated and the transformations of energy along the way.


The virtual content KSC creates and provides to connecting sites are the intellectual property of KSC. Therefore, they cannot be recorded in any way or distributed, nor can any content or information packets be duplicated or distributed without the written consent of KSC. The only exception is the copying of student pages from teacher guide for the use of the class that purchased the program. Any known violation of this policy will be considered theft of intellectual property and will be dealt with accordingly.

Technical requirements

  • Each student has a computer or tablet connected to the internet.
  • If you are teaching from a school, you can connect a computer or smart tablet to a data projector, interactive whiteboard or TV.
  • We provide you a private link to the video and a science center staff member will work with you to organize viewing capabilities.

If you connect with us via Zoom

  • Full system requirements for Zoom here.
  • Each student should test their Zoom connection here.
  • Once the date & time is arranged we will send you simple connection instructions (one click & you’re in!)
  • We can handle up to 30 separate computers connected at once if needed.

Kentucky Academic Standards

KECS Kindergarten 1st grade 2nd grade 3rd grade 4th grade 5th grade
Science 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 K-PS2-2 K-2-ETS1-2 K-2-ETS1-1 3-PS2-4 4-PS3-3, 4-ESS3-1 3-5-ETS1-2
ELA 1.2, 2.1 SL.K.5 SL.2.5 W.2.8 RI.3.3 W.4.7, W.4.8 RI.5.7, W.5.8
Math 2.MD.D.10 MP.5 MP.2, MP.4 MP.2, MP.5
Social Studies 2.18, 2.19 2.18, 2.19 2.18, 2.19 2.18, 2.19 2.18, 2.19 2.18, 2.19


Explore different aspects of space and how it can affect life.

Explore different aspects of space and how it can affect life.


The virtual content KSC creates and provides to connecting sites are the intellectual property of KSC. Therefore, they cannot be recorded in any way or distributed, nor can any content or information packets be duplicated or distributed without the written consent of KSC. The only exception is the copying of student pages from teacher guide for the use of the class that purchased the program. Any known violation of this policy will be considered theft of intellectual property and will be dealt with accordingly.

Technical requirements

  • Each student has a computer or tablet connected to the internet.
  • If you are teaching from a school, you can connect a computer or smart tablet to a data projector, interactive whiteboard or TV.
  • We provide you a private link to the video and a science center staff member will work with you to organize viewing capabilities.

If you connect with us via Zoom

  • Full system requirements for Zoom here.
  • Each student should test their Zoom connection here.
  • Once the date & time is arranged we will send you simple connection instructions (one click & you’re in!)
  • We can handle up to 30 separate computers connected at once if needed.



Ion Jones

Discover elements, compounds, reactions and more, and learn just how many ways chemistry impacts our everyday lives.

This program features 30 minutes of recorded demonstrations from our Ion Jones and the Lost Castle of Chemistry Assembly Program, interspersed with live facilitation of experiments. Choose 3 interactive experiments from 6 options, and your students can follow along in class or at home! You can choose to purchase supplies for your students (supply lists with shopping links provided), have students provide their own supplies, or simply view the live experiments as demonstrations. Click “Book Now” for more information on experiment choices and supply options.

Students participating in Ion Jones and the Lost Castle of Chemistry will:

  • Identify basic chemistry concepts including elements, compounds, and reactions.
  • Explore materials that look the same but have different chemical properties, and use chemistry to differentiate them.
  • Discover different types of energy, including chemical energy and ultraviolet radiation.

Interactive Experiments:

  • UV Bracelet: Participants make a bracelet using beads that change color when exposed to UV light, then test them using a UV/black light flashlight.
  • Luminescence: Participants create a drawing using a marker and a highlighter, then see how the markers are chemically different when they shine UV light on their picture.
  • Teslin Challenge: Participants follow along with their own materials as Ion compares the tensile strength of regular paper and a silicon-based paper called Teslin.
  • Do-it-Itself Balloon: Participants experience the power of chemistry as they use a chemical reaction to blow up a balloon.
  • Thermal Reactions: Participants learn about the relationship between chemical reactions and heat.
  • pH Testing: Participants use pH testing to differentiate between 3 identical-looking liquids.

Technical requirements

  • Each student has a computer or tablet connected to the internet.
  • If you are teaching from a school, you can connect a computer or smart tablet to a data projector, interactive whiteboard or TV.
  • We use Zoom as this works with nearly every device and handles low bandwidth. We also can use Webex, Meets and other applications as required.

If you connect with us via Zoom

  • Full system requirements for Zoom here.
  • Each student should test their Zoom connection here.
  • Once the date & time is arranged we will send you simple connection instructions (one click & you’re in!)
  • We can handle up to 30 separate computers connected at once if needed.

Kentucky Academic Standards:

Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade Middle School
Science K-PS2-1 1-PS4-2 2-PS1-1, 2-PS1-4 4-PS3-2, 4-PS3-4 5-PS1-1, 5-PS1-3 MS-PS1-1, MS-PS1-4, MS-PS1-3

Captain Current

Learn about sources of energy, how energy is generated, and how to become better ambassadors of energy conservation.

This program features 30 minutes of recorded demonstrations from our Captain Current vs. the Electricity Vampires Assembly Program, followed by live facilitation of experiments. Choose 3 interactive experiments from 6 options, and your students can follow along in class or at home! You can choose to purchase supplies for your students (supply lists with shopping links provided), have students provide their own supplies, or simply view the live experiments as demonstrations. Click “Book Now” for more information on experiment choices and supply options.

Students participating in Captain Current vs. the Electricity Vampires will:

  • Discover where electricity comes from and the various transformations of energy that lead to its generation.
  • Empower themselves to conserve energy in their daily lives.
  • Learn about potential careers involving energy science.

Technical requirements

  • Each student has a computer or tablet connected to the internet.
  • If you are teaching from a school, you can connect a computer or smart tablet to a data projector, interactive whiteboard or TV.
  • We use Zoom as this works with nearly every device and handles low bandwidth. We also can use Webex, Meets and other applications as required.

If you connect with us via Zoom

  • Full system requirements for Zoom here.
  • Each student should test their Zoom connection here.
  • Once the date & time is arranged we will send you simple connection instructions (one click & you’re in!)
  • We can handle up to 30 separate computers connected at once if needed.

Kentucky Academic Standards:

Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade Middle School
Science K-PS2-2 1-LS1-1 2-PS1-1, 2-PS1-2, 2-ESS1-1 3-PS4-1 4-PS3-1, 4-PS3-2, 4-PS3-4, 4-ESS3-1 5-PS1-3, 5-ESS3-1, 3-5-ETS1-3 MS-PS3-1, MS-PS1-3, MS-ETS1-3

STEAM Exploration

Take a virtual tour and discover visitor favorites as we travel throughout Kentucky Science Center. Interact live with a KSC educator as you do activities exploring a variety of STEAM topics from bubbles to the human body.

This program features 20 minutes of video featuring a virtual tour of Kentucky Science Center Exhibits, as well as favorite demonstrations from our Explosions of the Day. Following the video, your students will engage live with a KSC Educator to do experiments. Choose 4 interactive experiments from 6 options, and your students can follow along in class or at home! You can choose to purchase supplies for your students (supply lists with shopping links provided), have students provide their own supplies, or simply view the live experiments as demonstrations. Click “Book Now” for more information on experiment choices and supply options.

Students participating in STEAM Exploration will:

  • Learn how STEAM is part of everyday life, and how to identify STEAM concepts in their favorite activities.
  • Understand how to construct a scientific experiment with variables and controls.
  • Explore the science of mind-body connections.

Interactive Experiments:

  • Prism Glasses: Participants learn about the properties of light, including how white light can be broken into a rainbow of colors using prism glasses.
  • Optical Illusions: Participants learn about vision and neuroscience while deciphering optical illusions.
  • Bernoulli Ball: Participants learn principles of fluid dynamics by suspending a ping pong ball in the air with their breath.
  • Mood Jewelry: Participants use thermochromic paper to create “mood” jewelry and learn how the mind and body are connected.
  • Alka-Seltzer Rockets: Participants learn about pressure, chemical reactions, and phases of matter as they send film canisters flying into the air.
  • Bubble Art: Participants create unique artwork while learning about the scientific properties of bubbles.

Technical requirements

  • Each student has a computer or tablet connected to the internet.
  • If you are teaching from a school, you can connect a computer or smart tablet to a data projector, interactive whiteboard or TV.
  • We use Zoom as this works with nearly every device and handles low bandwidth. We also can use Webex, Meets and other applications as required.

If you connect with us via Zoom

  • Full system requirements for Zoom here.
  • Each student should test their Zoom connection here.
  • Once the date & time is arranged we will send you simple connection instructions (one click & you’re in!)
  • We can handle up to 30 separate computers connected at once if needed.

Kentucky Academic Standards:

Kindergarten 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade Middle School
Science K-PS2-1, K-PS3-1 3-PS2-1, 3-PS2-2 4-PS3-2, 4-PS4-2 5-PS1-1 07-PS1-2, 07-PS4-2

Challenger Learning Center

Students work together to answer questions and find solutions in this real-world challenge.

Time: 45-150 minutes, $250-$400

Each student will play a critical role as a member of a small team, and as a member of the full classroom team. This structure creates an environment where students have to collaborate with one another, understand, and implement effective and impactful ways to share ideas with a group and work together to arrive at the best solution. Students discover new STEM professions and learn about the skills needed to complete different tasks.

Technical requirements

  • Each student has a computer or tablet connected to the internet.
  • If you are teaching from a school, you can connect a computer or smart tablet to a data projector, interactive whiteboard or TV.
  • We use Zoom as this works with nearly every device and handles low bandwidth. We also can use Webex, Meets and other applications as required.

If you connect with us via Zoom

  • Full system requirements for Zoom here.
  • Each student should test their Zoom connection here.
  • Once the date & time is arranged we will send you simple connection instructions (one click & you’re in!)
  • We can handle up to 30 separate computers connected at once if needed.

Digital Learning: Pulse of Surgery

Pulse of Surgery

Get an insider’s view of the O.R. by viewing a live heart surgery from UofL Jewish Hospital. Pulse of Surgery is a one-of-a-kind experience that gives participants an up-close view of the scope of careers in medicine, healthy living, and human physiology.

Recorded Surgery: 150 minutes, $300
Live Surgery: 180 minutes, $500

  • Unlimited number of participants
  • Access to Pulse of Surgery Teacher and Student Workbooks
  • Minimum 2 -hour-long Pulse of Surgery Program.
  • Opportunity for Q+A with medical professionals

Dates for Live Pulse of Surgery Program: Pulse of Surgery is a live, real-time surgery. There are occasions when a live surgery cannot be scheduled for broadcast dates. In that unusual event, Kentucky Science Center will facilitate an alternative Pulse of Surgery program.

  • October 27, 2021
  • November 17, 2021
  • December 15, 2021
  • January 12 and 19, 2022
  • February 9, 16 and 23, 2022
  • March 2, 16, and 23, 2022
  • April 20 and 27, 2022
  • May 11, 2022

Technical requirements

  • Each student has a computer or tablet connected to the internet.
  • If you are teaching from a school, you can connect a computer or smart tablet to a data projector, interactive whiteboard or TV.
  • We use Zoom as this works with nearly every device and handles low bandwidth. We also can use Webex, Meets and other applications as required.

If you connect with us via Zoom

  • Full system requirements for Zoom here.
  • Each student should test their Zoom connection here.
  • Once the date & time is arranged we will send you simple connection instructions (one click & you’re in!)
  • We can handle up to 30 separate computers connected at once if needed.