Race & Racism
Race has no basis in genetics or science. But the concept of race still has a powerful impact on society. Unequal treatment of racial groups ensures that only some people – typically white people – have access to certain opportunities and resources. The impacts of this unequal treatment can be severe and far-reaching.
The resources below provide additional information on the meaning of words like ‘race’ and ‘racism’ and the impacts that racism has on health outcomes, housing policy, human trafficking, and more.
Defining Race
National Human Genome Research Institute
Defining Racism
American Psychological Association
Defining Microaggressions
How microaggressions are like mosquito bites
Dictionary of Racial Terms
National Institutes of Health
Impacts of Racism
Centers for Disease Control
Impact of Racism on our Nation’s Health
Discusses the severe and far-reaching impacts of racism on health disparities and disease
The Council of Economic Advisors
Exclusionary Zoning: Its Effect on Racial Discrimination in the Housing Market
Describes how discriminatory housing policy impacts families of color
US Department of State
Acknowledging Historical and Ongoing Harm: The Connections Between System Racism and Human Trafficking.
How the legacy of racism in the United States contributes to human trafficking
American Public Health Association
Addressing Law Enforcement Violence as a Public Health Issue
Considers how physical and psychological violence from law enforcement disproportionately impacts marginalized populations
American Psychological Association
Speaking of Psychology podcast – Racism, racial discrimination, and mental health
Dr. Riana Elyse Anderson discusses the “second pandemic” of racism and how to help people deal with race-based trauma